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6 Heinig, Nora, Schumann, Ulrike, Calzia, Daniela, Panfoli, Isabella, Ader, Marius, Schmidt, Mirko H. H., Funk, Richard H. W., and Roehlecke, Cora. “Photobiomodulation Mediates Neuroprotection against Blue Light Induced Retinal Photoreceptor Degeneration.” ResearchGate, March 30, 2020, www.researchgate.net/publication/340299256_Photobiomodulation_Mediates_Neuroprotection_against_Blue_Light_Induced_Retinal_Photoreceptor_Degeneration.
7 Milone, F. Ferro, Bolner, A, Nordera, G. P., and Scalinci, S.Z. “Pulsed Led’s Light at 650 nm Promote and at 470 nm Suppress Melatonin Secretion.” SCIRP (Scientific Research Publishing), Mar. 20, 2015, www.file.scirp.org/pdf/NM_2015032015024664.pdf.
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